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Benefits of Supplementing with Natural Progesterone

StartFragmentI just compiled this comprehensive list of the Benefits of natural progesterone cream for post menopausal Women. Please read and share. Natural Progesterone cream has been used by women for over 75 years, without risks or toxic side effects. The negative association with these problems all stem from the synthetic progesterone that is the main ingredient in prescription birth control pills and prescription hormone replacement. I also included some information on the benefits of Vitamin D and B12. For women over 35, approaching Perimenopause, the same information applies - except for the type of estrogen you're producing. Prior to the onset of menopause, we still have a high estradiol level, which is a very strong estrogen. It's more difficult to correct the hormonal imbalance during Perimenopause. This is a period where our progesterone levels drop significantly, but our bodies are still producing plenty of the strong type of estrogen. Women don't produce progesterone if they're not ovulating. After 35, women don't always ovulate, but still have a regular period. Progesterone is only produced with ovulation. One of the first signs of estrogen dominance after age 35 is weight gain around the hips, thighs and abdomen. This is due to excess estrogen – it is very difficult to lose this weight without correcting the hormonal imbalance. Progesterone cream, natural & Bioidentical: Recommended dose is 100-200 mg a day. If less is used, it will only stimulate the estrogen receptors, which will cause symptoms of estrogen dominance to become more pronounced. It should be used as, and when, needed. A minimum of twice a day. Progesterone begins to leave the body after 13 hours. Stress drops your progesterone levels, so more is needed in times of stress. Cortisol, our stress hormone, is made from progesterone. The ratio of progesterone to estrogen should be no less than 300:1; better still if it's 600:1 When there is estrogen dominance present, the excess estrogen becomes toxic to the body. Treatment with natural progesterone restores the balance between these two main female hormones, eliminating the need for synthetic hormone therapy, and the undesirable side effects. Progesterone helps to balance and neutralize the powerful effects of excess estrogen in both men and women. Without sufficient progesterone in the body, estrogen becomes harmful and out of control (unopposed estrogen or estrogen dominance). Over a period of time, progesterone will gradually become the dominant hormone instead of estrogen. As this happens your symptoms will ease. If you're struggling with weight loss, it will become much easier once you're Progesterone dominant. It's interesting that Estrogen blocks thyroid production. This is one of the Root causes of hypothyroidism in women. Progesterone supports a healthy thyroid, when it is not produced the dominant estrogen has a negative impact on proper thyroid function. Excess, unopposed estrogen also causes water retention; and it can cause fibrocystic breast disease and even fibroid tumors and cysts in the ovary area. The most effective method of restoring physiologic, equivalent to normal body function, progesterone levels is with the proper supplementation of transdermally applied natural progesterone. Progesterone cream is a moisturizing cream, and can be applied to the face, hands, chest, abdomen, inner arms, inner thighs, and in cases of osteoporosis, to the entire trabecular spine. The cream is readily absorbed and leaves no trace after a few minutes. During absorption, the cream bypasses the liver and goes to specific receptor sites where progesterone is needed. When the action is completed, residue is then excreted from the body. Benefits of Progesterone: -Protective against Candida, which is stimulated by excess Estrogen. -Great for the skin, and has potent anti aging benefits -Naturally suppresses Testosterone, which rises as we age, and can cause hair loss -Assists/supports healthy thyroid function -Excess estrogen is converted into androgens, which cause hair loss. Testosterone is an androgen. -Protects against ovarian, endometrial and breast cancers. -helps reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis by building back the osteoblasts in the bone. It's possible to regain as much as 40% of your bone density back through the use of natural progesterone cream. Women over 50 years of age should use natural progesterone cream to prevent osteoporosis. -It also protects against arthritis, and as an anti-inflammatory, reducing arthritic pain. -Stabilizes blood sugar -Natural progesterone is an excellent diuretic -Aids in restful sleep -Natural Progesterone is an anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory hormone -Anti-depressant. Depression is on the increase, with women suffering more than men. Progesterone is the raw material for the anti-stress hormones serotonin and dopamine. Sometimes depression is also caused by low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). -Heart disease - reduces blood clotting, reduces stress / better sleep, reduces high blood pressure by acting as a natural diuretic, improves the integrity and function of cell membranes. -Many of the so-called "modern" diseases can be prevented or overcome by progesterone therapy. -"Natural" progesterone... just as your body makes it, is a unique substance with unique properties that cannot be faked and that is essential to good health life itself. -Protective against Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease -protective against yeast infections, which are stimulated by excess estrogen -Energy levels restored, an end to that unexplained fatigue. Additional benefits include: improved brain function, diminished muscular aches and pains, improvement of skin problems including acne, seborrhea, rosacea, psoriasis and keratoses, and improved sleep pattern. Vitamin D: This vitamin makes progesterone more effective. For progesterone to be effective, Blood levels should be 70-100 ng/ml Both progesterone and vitamin D regulate gene expression, have a positive fundamental effect on cell differentiation and growth, with anti-oxidative and autoimmune anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Both positively effect the nervous system by stimulating neurotrophic factors, quenching oxidative hyperactivity and regulating autoimmune responses. Reduced levels of both progesterone and vitamin D are found in all the following diseases or disorders, and therefore constitute an increased risk factor for... asthma and respiratory problems depression early ageing cancer epilepsy heart disease migraines/headaches polycystic ovaries miscarriage fibroids peripheral neuropathy myopathy autoimmune diseases, such as MS, lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, arthritis etc SAD (seasonal affective disorder) Alzheimer's disease (low allopregnanolone, a neuroactive metabolite of progesterone, appears a promising biomarker in dementia) Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 benefits your mood, energy level, memory, heart, skin, hair, digestion and more. Vitamin B12 is also an essential vitamin for addressing adrenal fatigue, multiple metabolic functions — including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance — and maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems. Because of its wide-reaching roles within the body, a vitamin B12 deficiency can show up in many different negative symptoms, many of which are very noticeable, such as potential chronic fatigue, mood disorders like depression, and chronic stress or feeling run down. Vitamin B12 benefits the central nervous system in many important ways: It helps maintain the health of nerve cells — including those needed for neurotransmitter signaling — and helps form the protective covering of nerves, called the cell’s myelin sheath. This means that when vitamin B12 levels are low, almost every cognitive function can suffer. Vitamin B12, sometimes also called cyanocobalamin, also helps with digestion and heart health, so a deficiency can lead to both digestive disorders and an increased risk for heart disease. Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency can include: (6) Constantly feeling tired or chronic fatigue Muscle aches and weakness Joint pain Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath Feeling dizzy Poor memory Inability to concentrate well Mood changes, like increased depression and anxiety Having abnormal heart problems, such as palpitations Poor dental health, including bleeding gums and mouth sores Digestive problems like nausea, diarrhea or cramping A poor appetite A more serious deficiency can also cause a form of anemia called pernicious anemia, a serious condition that can cause memory loss, confusion and even long-term dementia Hair Growth: Progesterone and Vitamin D help hair growth. Vitamin D is essential for the Anagen phase of hair growth. Daily dose of vitamin D should be 5000-10000 iu. In addition to vitamin D, you can also supplement with 2000 mg/day N-Acetyl cysteine (14% of our hair, nails & skin is cysteine), 2000 mg/day inositol (a B vitamin which is commonly know as the anti-alopecia vitamin), 2-3 mg/day biotin, and 100 mg/thiamine(B1). All of these assist with restoring hair growth, naturally. The amino acid, lysine, is also beneficial. Menopause: Once in menopause, ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone has ceased. But, fat cells continue secreting estrone, the menopause estrogen, until death. Prior to menopause, our ovaries secrete the powerful estrogen, estradiol. Because progesterone is no longer secreted, there is no hormone to oppose estrogen, which causes many symptoms and can lead to chronic illness. When doctors test our hormones after menopause, they tend to check our estradiol levels, which will result in a very low number. They tell us that we're estrogen deficient, because they are not checking the other estrogen, estrone. ****Menopause is not a time of estrogen deficiency, it is a period of low progesterone and unopposed estrogen. **** Women using progesterone cream for the first time during menopause may experience one period, rarely two. It is nothing to be alarmed about. Women 12 years into menopause may still experience a period when first beginning progesterone therapy. Over the years since the beginning of menopause, the estrogen that has been created by the fat cells is enough to build or thicken the uterine lining. The progesterone is effectively cleaning out the uterus. Osteoporosis: Is natural progesterone indicated for osteoporosis? Many medical authorities tell female patients who are post-menopausal that osteoporosis is inevitable. A physician in Mill Valley, California, John R. Lee, has proven that this often repeated statement is simply untrue. The results of his ongoing clinical study with 68 women is noteworthy. All have experienced 'new' bone density ranging from 5 to 40 percent for women who have used natural progesterone cream from 6 to 48 months. His results also indicated this therapy is successful even several decades after menopause. One of his patients, who is 82 years of age and has been using natural progesterone cream for four years, has a greater than 40 percent new bone density as proven dualphoton absorptiometry. Dr. Lee has proven that osteoporosis is not only preventable, but is also reversible in most cases. Cancer: Can I use natural progesterone if there is family history of breast or uterine cancer? Yes, it is recommended. Breast cancer and endometrial cancer are two cancers that are related in some way or other to gonadal hormones. They occur in tissues sensitive to these hormones. Unopposed estrogen is the only known cause of endometrial cancer though there may be other factors involved. Estrogen, or at least one or more of the various estrogens, are thought to contribute to breast cancer. Synthetic progesterone: Beware of synthetic progesterone look-alikes, those prescribed y doctors in the form of birth control pills. These look-alikes are favorites of the pharmaceutical companies, because they are not naturally-occurring and can therefore be patented. The best-known analogs are a variety of progestins, though there are others in the progestogen family. Many doctors are not aware of this crucial difference between natural or bio-identical progesterone and the patented look-alikes. These pharmaceutical look-alikes are not nearly as effective as real progesterone, and come with nasty and serious side-effects. These altered progesterone look-alikes occupy the same receptors as real progesterone, but they act differently. They are also difficult to metabolize and excrete. Side-effects of the progesterone look-alikes include going blind, birth defects, asthma, embolisms, epilepsy, fluid retention, migraines, depression, renal dysfunction, cardiac dysfunction. EndFragment

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